Thursday, 30 August 2012

Volunteers needed

I am a volunteer for Sands Auckland Central, a charity that supports bereaved parents by providing support and resources, such as running support groups, providing phone and email support, providing hospitals with support packs and special memory booklets, managing a library for our members and producing a quarterly magazine. Sands Auckland Central is funded through grants and donations; it is not a government funded organisation.

One of the things provided to parents who lose their baby in one of the hospitals in the Sands Auckland Central area (Auckland City, North Shore Hospital, Waitakere Hospital) is a moses basket for their baby to lie in.  The moses baskets are theirs to keep.  The baskets have a mattress and are lined; the liners are sewn by volunteers.  We've just had a shipment of baskets arrive and need liners sewn up - so we're looking for volunteers to sew them.  The fabric and ribbons have been cut already, we just need people to sew them.

If you live in the Auckland area and can help, please contact Sands Auckland Central on

When Mila died, we were very grateful for all the support and resources provided by Sands Auckland Central.

Monday, 27 August 2012


Our daughter, Pepper-Mae, arrived safe and sound 10 weeks ago.  Here's a recent picture.  Although I love crafting, I love sleeping more, and so things have been a bit quiet on the crafting front.  I hope to do something crafty soon, in the meantime I'll be looking after my girls and sleeping.

Free to a good home

There's nothing quite like looking out your kitchen window and seeing two lovely chooks free-ranging in your backyard, or going to fetch an egg for breakfast and finding one still warm in the nesting box - doesn't get any fresher than that! 

Regretfully, we have decided to find a new home for our two girls - they have been excellent layers but it's no longer practical for us to have them free-ranging in our backyard.  Details on my (much neglected) Oooby blog.

Who could say no to this face? [tilt your head 90 degrees, I can't work out how to rotate the image even though it's already been saved as rotated on my 'puter]

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